Presentationof KolamYoga
April 18, 2023
Presentation of KolamYoga
Introuduction to the progressive 12 lessons in the KolamYoga Beginners Class.
16:30 - 18:00
Bharatnivas Auroville South India
All are welcome !!!
Video Lessons Released!
Digitally available:
anywhere, anytime, all levels!
A digital, interactive learning envoirement is now available …
12 learning sessions become 12 videos of KolamYoga!
12 videos released.
KolamYoga video’s that are divided into 3x 4 big theme chapters.
This enables the participant to go on an integral and virtual journey with me to authentic spaces of complete Kolam practice.
Lessons filled with mythological, cultural, spiritual and pedagogic tools to self empowerment and an in depth base knowledge of ancient/ original/authentic Pictorial Language , images, symbols, forms and shapes, abstract and sacred, representing all life structures.
The entire course enables the Participant to become a Kolam practitioner and creator of vision, translating it into form and thereby helping shape life with more consciousness.
whenever you are available
at your own pace
in the comfort of your own space
7 ’till 10
Workshop 4 Goddesses
4 Goddesses explained in Dance and Drawing their respective Kolam archetypes
10:00 am to 12:00 am
Bharatnivas Auroville South India
Fully booked!
Sharanga, Auroville
605101 Tamil Nadu
phone: (0091) 8072449091